Our Colbert Baptist Children’s Ministry believes in growing a deep and wide faith in kids through the education in the Gospel, serving our community, and fellowshipping with one another. From the earliest age we want the kids to know the basic truths of God’s Word and how they can apply those in their daily lives. Our volunteers provide age appropriate small groups where the kids can connect and learn with one another, as well as large group gatherings where they can worship together. We meet together for Sunday School at 9:45 and Children's Church during the 11:00 worship service.
Each Sunday we provide two spaces for our nursery (newborn-18 months & 18 months-3 years) and kids during the worship service. The group for 3-5 year old's meets in Room 201 at 11:00 each Sunday.
Our older Children's Church (K-3rd grade) meets in the PromiseLand Room (208) for their own Bible Study and group activity. Our older kids remain in the service a few times a year for special services such as Easter, Homecoming, and Christmas.
On Wednesday nights our 4 year olds through 5th grade meet for TeamKID (3 YO-kindergarten, 1st-3rd, & 4th-5th grade) at 6:45PM. Drop off is in the designated classrooms at 6:45 and pick up is from the classroom each night around 7:45PM. We strongly encourage parents to attend one of our adult Bible Studies during this time.